Marie Hirst
Marie Hirst is an accredited education consultant and director of Special Addition Ltd providing quality mathematics professional learning and development for primary and intermediate schools across New Zealand.
Working collaboratively alongside teachers and leadership teams, Marie inspires those she works with and provides quality professional development to enhance mathematics programmes for all students across Years 1-8. Marie can customize mathematics PLD support to suit your school’s needs either privately or through Ministry funded PLD as she is an MoE accredited facilitator (ACC 171). She offers in-class modelling, coaching, mentoring and a wide range of practical workshops.
Working collaboratively alongside teachers and leadership teams, Marie inspires those she works with and provides quality professional development to enhance mathematics programmes for all students across Years 1-8. Marie can customize mathematics PLD support to suit your school’s needs either privately or through Ministry funded PLD as she is an MoE accredited facilitator (ACC 171). She offers in-class modelling, coaching, mentoring and a wide range of practical workshops.
Professional Learning and Development
Professional Learning and Development
As an experienced accredited facilitator Marie brings a wealth of knowledge to work alongside your school or Kāhui Ako with tailored PLD support.
As an experienced accredited facilitator Marie brings a wealth of knowledge to work alongside your school or Kāhui Ako with tailored PLD support.
Maths Made Easy NZ Workshops
Maths Made Easy NZ Workshops
Marie also works alongside Dr Jo Knox to deliver practical maths workshops for year 0-8 teachers and leaders.
Marie also works alongside Dr Jo Knox to deliver practical maths workshops for year 0-8 teachers and leaders.
These are delivered face-to-face or online via zoom.
These are delivered face-to-face or online via zoom.
“This is the best maths PD we have ever had! The staff is delighted with the quality of the work done by Marie, both in terms of the content she is delivering and the personal approach to each staff member that is occurring. Thank you and well done! It takes a lot to please my staff.” (Principal)
“This is the best maths PD we have ever had! The staff is delighted with the quality of the work done by Marie, both in terms of the content she is delivering and the personal approach to each staff member that is occurring. Thank you and well done! It takes a lot to please my staff.” (Principal)
“The teachers who observed your group sessions today found them so useful and are singing your praises today. The staff meeting was perfect and targeted just what the teachers in our school have been showing difficulty with.” (Deputy Principal)
“The teachers who observed your group sessions today found them so useful and are singing your praises today. The staff meeting was perfect and targeted just what the teachers in our school have been showing difficulty with.” (Deputy Principal)